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Rise 4 Solutions

Jim Adams is the President of Rise 4 Solutions, a violence prevention advocacy organization. As President of Rise 4 Solutions, Jim is a researcher, lecturer, and consultant to schools, law enforcement, first responders, and community leaders on trauma preparedness and response, and a strong advocate for the prevention of school and community violence. Adams has been nationally recognized for his development of a unique, short and long-term mental health recovery plan for victims of trauma and mass school shootings. He developed this model for prevention, treatment, and recovery in part, as a result of the shooting of six students at Chardon High School in his home community of Chardon, Ohio, in February of 2012.

His one-of-a-kind plan on how to address a school shooting within the first minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years – which included a checklist for those early crisis moments, has been applauded throughout the country. He has completed 3, multi-year research projects over the past 8 years with Duke University, UCLA, Case Western Reserve University, and the University of Toledo focused primarily on violence prevention, and response to school violence. His community-based, minute by minute trauma informed recovery plan, implementation model, and subsequent research findings on school and community trauma response, have been utilized in schools and communities around the country. After a conference presentation on his model and findings in Washington, D.C. he was invited to write the national manual on school violence prevention and intervention by Hazelden Publishing/Betty Ford Foundation. His book and manual, outlining how to develop the program model locally, “Preventing, Intervening, and Recovering from School Shootings and Other Traumatic Events” was published by Hazelden/Betty Ford Foundation in May of 2021.